Our company Cheetah Energy is led by a board and management team with over 50 years of unparalleled experience and skills in the resources oil and gas upstream E&P sector.  Our team has done it all in Africa and worldwide, in projects negotiation and acquisition, initiating and leading oilfield development studies, monitoring and managing production operations. The leadership of Cheetah Energy has been involved in operating onshore and offshore oil blocks in Canada, Ireland and Africa, including Gabon and Congo-Brazzaville among others. 

Management and Directors:

Michael C. Judson, ICD.D, Chairman
For more than thirty years Mr. Judson has been forming, financing and operating private and public companies. He has raised and overseen the investment of approximately $200 million in mineral exploration, lead-zinc mining, oil and gas exploration and production in North America, Europe and Africa. Mr. Judson graduated from Concordia University in 1986 with a Bachelor of Arts. He graduated from the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) and the Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University Directors Education Program in 2007 and became an Institute-certified Director (ICD.D) in 2011. Mr. Judson is currently Managing Director of Judson & Cie, a financial advisory based in Montreal, Canada, that he formed in 2013. He sits on the board of two public companies.

Alain Mizelle, President & CEO
Mr. Mizelle has a technical background as a petroleum geologist and mining engineer and has over 28 years of experience in the oil and gas industry and as an inceptor and developer of natural resources companies spanning from oil and gas to metals and mining in Canada, the US and West Africa. As a former Petroleum Geologist with Energy Africa Ltd (Tullow Oil & Gas), he was associated with exploration and development of offshore and onshore oilfields (Nkossa, Moho-Bilondo, N’Soko, Haute Mer, Gabon blocks and oilfields), in Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon including with big majors oil companies and acquisitions (farmin) and disposals (farmout).  Alain recommended EA’s farmin in Blocks F&G in Equatorial Guinea which included the  discovery of over 2 billion barrels at the Ceiba-Okoume complex, as well as EA’s entry into the Kouilou Block enabling participation in the M’Boundi field onshore Congo-Brazzaville. Mr. Mizelle was the founder of GGPC (Gulfofguinea Petroleum Corp) and co-founder and director of FirstAfrica Oil Plc which raised over US$100 million and developed the EOV and Epaemeno assets in Gabon. Prevail Energy another one of his companies, negotiated and acquired a 20% interest in the giant MKB (Mengo-Kundji-Bindi) asset onshore Congo. Alain has negotiated and signed PSC’s and JOAs in West Africa and is well versed with all aspects of E&P projects negotiation, management and operations. He is currently a director of T5 Oil and Gas Limited.  Mr. Mizelle holds a Ms (Geol), Msc (Eng) Mining from Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa.

David  A. Johnson, Director
Mr. Johnson is an attorney and trade-mark agent specializing in corporate law, commercial transactions and intellectual property.  Mr. Johnson has several years’ experience at the senior management and board level in a variety of companies and not for profit organizations. Mr. Johnson holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) from Queen’s University, a Master of Urban Planning (M.U.P.), Bachelor of Common Law (LL.B.) and a Bachelor of Civil Law (B.C.L.) from McGill University. He also completed the Directors’ Education Program at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto and has been certified at the Institute of Corporate Directors, (ICD.D), the International Executive Program for Mining Leadership at the School of Business, Queen’s University and completed the Business Leadership Program for In-House Counsel at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto and has been certified by the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association.

Robert Kramberger, Vice-President Investor Relations
Mr. Kramberger has over twenty years of experience in the capital markets and in business development and corporate marketing. Working with CEO, Michael Judson, during the last seventeen years, Mr. Kramberger helped to raise over $30 million for a TSX Venture Exchange-listed company and for a private company. Representing numerous public and private companies. Mr. Kramberger has successfully built strong relationships with a vast network of shareholders, advisors, and other stakeholders. Mr. Kramberger is also a Principal Consultant with Judson & Cie, a financial advisory based in Montreal.