Since its inception in 2021, Cheetah has been focused on acquiring and developing oil and gas assets in the Doseo basin of southern Chad, Central Africa.
The Doseo basin is a proven world-class petroleum basin, with a demonstrated working petroleum system, first drilled by Exxon, confirmed by other major oil companies with a near perfect success rate. US EIA basinwide study in 2015 estimated potential risked technically recoverable resources of 7.1 Bbbls of oil and 13Tcf of gas and 178 Bbbls and 165Tcf of risked resources in place of prospective shale oil and shale gas.
Our target Doseo blocks and the oil discoveries they contain are well aligned with our strategy of developing-to-produce. Being quick to production enables us to generate the cashflow necessary to later fund the drillbit exploration of dormant, mapped and de-risked prospects.
During its first phase of development at Doseo, oil will be trucked to the former Exxon facilities at Doba. Once oil production and economics justify it, the company will build a pipeline working with a midstream company that will fund, construct and manage a Doseo-Salamat pipeline. The engineering studies for this purpose have already been completed.
Business Philosophy:
Cheetah believes that the development of natural resources must benefit the communities in which they are located. Whether through direct training and skills transfer or our alignment with local content policies, we engage and encourage communities surrounding our operations to participate in our projects through employment or other business opportunities. As such, wherever we conduct business, we build communication bridges and lasting trust relationships with governments and communities. We would go even further and get involved in community social projects (water sanitation, medical centres, community centres, schools). The aim is to help raise the living standards and empower the local community while establishing a lasting and mutually beneficial relationship resulting in peace and harmony with our projects.